En una emocionante iniciativa educativa, Ceeci Academy ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un reto intensivo de aprendizaje del inglés en Axochiapan, Morelos. Bajo el lema «Reto: 20 Unidades de Inglés en 1 Mes», el programa está diseñado para estudiantes que deseen acelerar su aprendizaje del idioma inglés, alcanzando el nivel A2 en un tiempo récord.

Este desafío está especialmente configurado para aquellos que buscan mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas de manera rápida y eficiente. Ceeci Academy promete no solo una inmersión completa en el idioma, sino también métodos de enseñanza de alta calidad que garantizan una comprensión profunda y práctica del inglés.

«Estamos emocionados de ofrecer este programa único a la comunidad de Axochiapan y a todos los interesados en perfeccionar su inglés», dijo el coordinador del programa en Ceeci Academy. «Este curso es ideal para estudiantes, profesionales o cualquier persona que busque mejorar sus oportunidades laborales o simplemente desee adquirir una nueva habilidad en un ambiente dinámico y de apoyo».

El curso intensivo se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones de alto rendimiento de Ceeci Academy, donde los estudiantes podrán experimentar un aprendizaje interactivo y orientado a resultados con el apoyo de profesores experimentados y materiales didácticos de vanguardia.


Unit 41: Past Simple of ‘To Be’

  • Affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of ‘was’ and ‘were’.
  • Short answers with ‘was’ and ‘were’.
  • Contextual usage of ‘was’ and ‘were’ in sentences and questions.

Unit 42: There was/There were

  • Usage of «there was» and «there were» to describe past situations.
  • Making questions and negatives with «there was» and «there were».
  • Practical applications in descriptive scenarios like visiting places.

Unit 43: Adjectives and Their Comparative Forms

  • Usage of adjectives in their normal, comparative, and superlative forms.
  • Applying adjective forms to describe objects and people.
  • Constructing sentences with correct adjective agreement in context.

Unit 44: Past Simple of Regular and Irregular Verbs

  • Formation of past simple tense for both regular and irregular verbs.
  • Usage in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.
  • Contextual applications in daily activities and historical events.

Unit 45: Past Simple Negative

  • Forming negative sentences in the past simple tense.
  • Differentiating between regular and irregular verb negations.
  • Practical sentence constructions for everyday scenarios.

Unit 46: Past Simple Questions

  • Constructing questions in the past simple tense.
  • Emphasis on word order and auxiliary verbs in past tense questions.
  • Application in personal experiences and historical inquiries.

Unit 47: Storytelling in Past Tense

  • Structuring and narrating stories using past simple tense.
  • Emphasizing sequence and timing in narrative forms.
  • Enhancing storytelling with adverbs and expressions of time.

Unit 48: Using Past Simple in Context

  • Distinguishing between simple past and present perfect forms.
  • Employing past simple in travel contexts and personal recounts.
  • Formulating questions and responses based on past activities.

Unit 49: Quantifiers in Past Statements

  • Usage of quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns.
  • Expressing quantities in past narratives and descriptions.
  • Adjusting quantifiers according to noun specificity and context.

Unit 50: Complex Sentence Structure in Past Simple

  • Integrating multiple actions in past simple tense.
  • Developing complex sentences with conjunctions and time phrases.
  • Application in descriptive and narrative writing.

Unit 51: Past Simple and Time Expressions

  • Usage of simple past tense with specific time expressions like «an hour ago» and «three weeks.»
  • Forming questions and negatives in the past tense.
  • Practical applications in scenarios like lost property inquiries and travel discussions.

Unit 52: Irregular Verbs and Past Events

  • Differentiating regular from irregular verbs in past tense.
  • Constructing sentences using irregular verbs to describe historical and personal events.
  • Contextual application using notes to frame past actions.

Unit 53: Past Simple in Various Contexts

  • Extensive use of past simple to discuss events and personal experiences.
  • Questions formation in past tense to inquire about specific details of past actions.
  • Application of past tense in differentiating time and activities.

Unit 54: Present Continuous for Current Actions

  • Introduction to present continuous tense for describing ongoing actions.
  • Distinction between simple present and present continuous for habitual and current activities.
  • Usage in everyday scenarios like describing someone’s routine or actions at a specific moment.

Unit 55: Past Continuous for Past Actions

  • Utilizing past continuous to describe actions happening at a specific time in the past.
  • Forming questions and negatives in past continuous.
  • Application in scenarios depicting simultaneous actions and interruptions in the past.

Unit 56: Mixed Past Tenses

  • Combining past simple and past continuous to narrate stories or describe events with more detail.
  • Using past tenses to give background information and main events in narratives.
  • Application in complex storytelling and varied past time expressions.

Unit 57: Modal Verbs in the Past

  • Usage of modal verbs ‘could’ and ‘couldn’t’ to discuss abilities in the past.
  • Forming sentences that express possibility, ability, or permission retrospectively.
  • Practical examples including hypothetical situations and real past abilities.

Unit 58: Modal Verbs for Necessity and Prohibition

  • Using ‘must’, ‘mustn’t’, and ‘needn’t’ to express obligation, necessity, or prohibition.
  • Application of these modal verbs in various contexts, including rules and personal obligations.
  • Framing rules and advisories using modal verbs in different scenarios.

Unit 59. Telephone Communication and Dialing Codes

  • Understanding STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialing) and International Dialing Codes.
  • How to correctly format and dial international and local phone numbers.
  • Usage of telephone language in conversations including greetings, asking for and providing information.
  • Practical application through exercises simulating phone calls and understanding phone call protocols.


Los lugares son limitados, por lo que se anima a los interesados a inscribirse pronto para asegurar su participación en este innovador programa educativo.

Costo: $1,500 MXN

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